
Saturday, August 3, 2013

New Design Team Member Announcement

Hello again! I know it's been a little while since my last blog post (FEBRUARY???) but soon my youngest will be in school 3 days a week and I'm making it my mission to keep up with my blog again! What have I been doing with my time? Well, between Girl Scouts, PTO, Woman's Club, MOPS and volunteering in my daughters' classrooms... not much, LOL!

Anyway, I have NEWS!!! I was asked to be a part of an AWESOME new design team for the best Close to My Heart consultant - Lori Brown! Not only am I going to show you how to use some beautiful products, but you can BUY them too... All month long, I will be having an On-line CTMH party with Lori - you simply go to her website HERE and start shopping! When you're done, simply select me as your Hostess and I'll know that you loved the gorgeous products I've shown you. Super simple!

Now, on to my project! I've been trying to find just the right papers to go with the Renaissance Faire photos that I have and Lori gave me the Laughing Lola Workshops on the Go Scrapbooking Kit to play with. When I saw the colors with the purples and golds I knew this was the PERFECT fit for my photos! Here's the whole layout:

Below you can see one of the really cool details of my layout. I used the flower stamp that came in the kit and stamped it twice on the back of my paisley paper scrap and cut out the whole image from the first and the inner petals from the second.

Next I stamped it one more time on the yellow patterned paper and cut out just the center. I grabbed some 3-D Foam Tape to put between each of my layers to make this beautiful flower pop! Another one of my favorite techniques is distressing by inking the edges of my papers. You can see through out my layout I have distressed all of my papers with Gypsy Ink Stamp Pad and a Sponge Dauber.

I also want to point out my title block, shown below. The "Amazing" came from the Laughing Lola Workshop on the Go stamp set as well. I simply stamped it in Black Ink using my 2" x 6.5" My Acrylix Block and then cut out around it with my Close to My Heart Micro Tip Scissors. Next I stamped the words "Renaissance Faire 2009" with a retired Alphabet set called Storytime. There are a TON of gorgeous Alphabets Sets still available to choose from though!

The beautiful rhinestones accenting my title also came in the kit! I have more projects to come with the same kit so I hope you'll check back soon to see what else I've created. You can get my posts delivered right to your inbox by subscribing to by blog in the sidebar also. Thanks for stopping by today!!!