
Friday, February 4, 2011

Pinkie Pie's CHA Adventures

So I'm sitting in the airport on Friday with my friend Betsy and I feel something in my coat pocket.... I reach in and pull out Pinkie Pie! My daughter's happy meal toy from the day before got left in my coat pocket somehow. So of course I decided to take photos of Pinkie Pie having some fun at CHA! I will be doing a mini album about her adventures but I thought I'd share a few of the fun photos.

Pinkie Pie and the CHA show logo. We accidentally got up a little too early on Saturday but had a great photo op for this pic!

Pinkie Pie made all kinds of friends at the show, including her new BFF, Cricut. Cricut told Pinkie Pie the secret of whether Cricut is a boy or a girl but Pinkie Pie isn't sharing with me :(

In case you were wondering Pinkie Pie and I also managed to score an invite to the Super Secret Cricut Gala and these FABULOUS people were part of the evening's entertainment. I'm a HUGE fan of So You Think You Can Dance and this is Joshua (in blue - Season 4's winner), Twitch (center) and Comfort. It was incredible to see them dance LIVE and to meet them all!!! I got sweaty hugs from all of them and I was in heaven!!! Gotta give a shout out to my fabulous friends Sarah over at the Pink Cricut blog and Emma at the My Creative Time blog for their assistance! If you haven't checked out their blogs, you must, they are fabulous! And both of these super talented ladies have amazing stamps sets that are awesome!

This photo was taken during the Tattered Angles 201 workshop that we attended. It was an AMAZING class taught buy Wendy Senger, the CREATOR of Glimmer Mist! I actually attended both the 101 and 201 classed but Pinkie Pie slept through 101... I guess the Gala was too much excitement for that little pony.

Everyone who gets to go to an event like this where Tim Holtz happens to be has to get a "Tim Picture". So of course Pinkie Pie needed her Tim Picture too! Tim thought the idea was hilarious and very graciously agreed to do a comical photo with Pinkie Pie and me! Glad such a talented man has a great sense of humor too!

The Fiskateers had a great booth at CHA and they decorated it different every day. Here is lead Fiskateer Angela posing with a Pinkie Pie martini! If your not a Fiskateer yet, head on over to the Fiskateer site to sign up... and let them know that Mandie and Pinkie Pie sent you!

Paper dresses were a HOT item at the show but the DCWV booth had an AMAZING set up, complete with a runway! Pinkie Pie needed to strut her stuff on the catwalk too. You can see her next to the peacock dress if you look carefully....

We found this adorable pair of Smooch covered shoes in the ClearSnap booth and of course Pinkie Pie HAD to have her photo taken with them! Aren't these shoes adorable? If they were just a little bit bigger.....

For those of you that don't know, I live in the Chicago area and of course Tuesday there was that huge Blizzard that dumped almost 2 feet of snow where I live and left drifts up to 6 feet tall ALL over the place! So we had to spend an extra day in LA.... while our friends and family were digging out of the snow, we were digging our toes into the sand! Here we are playing at Manhattan Beach....

As fun as our adventure was we had to come back to reality... here's Pinkie Pie looking out of the window at the snow covered Midwest. She really tried hard to get me to stay in LA but I really missed my hubby and the kids :) So we are home safe and sound!

I will post pics of the album as it is created :) Watch my blog for more pics of the CHA show and the Gala too!


  1. Pinkie Pie's Excellent Adventure.

  2. I'm so jealous of all your fun! Especially meeting the SYTYCD people! Twitch was going to come do a master class with my dancers, but my baby due date and his schedule were clashing :(. I'm glad you had so much fun!!!

  3. Ms. Pinkie Pie...was certainly the "belle of the ball"


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