So, if your interested, send me your email or leave a comment with your e-mail address in it and I’ll send you a personal invite.
I have been so pleased with the Cricut Circle– they have a great message board, with fun activities going on all of the time–including contests and giveaways! Plus you can't beat the exclusive cartridges. I LOVE the first one - French Manor - and I saw a rendering of one of the images for number 2 and it looks like a good one!!!
I won the Cricut Expression for my daughter’s preschool along with 499 other Cricut Circle Members– that alone made it worth every penny for me! PLUS thanks to my membership I was able to score an invite to the Cricut Gala during CHA and in that goodie bag was the Happy Hauntings cartridge... oh and a certificate for an IMAGINE!!! There are definitely some great perks available! Oh, and just so you know, the Cricut Circle is open for enrollment, by referral only!
Mandie I tried emailing you but I don't know if I sent it to the right place?! I am interested in joining this group!! Thanks Summer
I want to join the cricut circle so could you please send me an invite. I work as an educator and would love to win a cricut for our school.
My email is
I would love an invite,
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